CryptoMonos Mint 101


Date:  Monday 1/29/24
Time:  6pm EST
Price:  Free
Eligible Wallets:  Anyone can mint


Date:  Monday 1/29/24
Time:  5pm EST
Price:  2 Free Mints
Eligible Wallets:  BlancoList & OG whitelist


Date:  Monday 1/29/24
Time:  4pm EST
Price:  2 Free Mints
Eligible Wallets:  OG whitelist



How do I mint?
All minting will occur via:
We will be using our custom built Lighthouse launchpad and are deploying the mint ourselves.

You can get familiar with the launchpad now.
Our second test Mint event, mini monos II, is still deployed on the app.
The launchpad will be updated soon for the REAL Mint.

Go to the website at the designated time to mint.
You will need some SEI in your wallet for gas fees. (< 0.07 SEI)

Will there be an instant reveal?


When is the Public Mint?
Monday 1/29/24 at 6pm EST

Can anyone participate in the Public Mint?

What is the Public Mint price?

Is there a max number of tokens per wallet?
Yes, 10.

How many CryptoMonos will be available for the Public Mint?
At least several thousand. It depends on how many are minted by OG and BlancoList wallets.
OGs are limited to ~1060. BlancoList will be in the range of 2-3K wallets.

It’s possible wallets that qualify for BlancoList will not claim their CryptoMonos, and those will be available during the Public Mint.


When is the BlancoList Mint?
Monday 1/29/24 at 5pm EST

Can anyone participate in the BlancoList Mint?
Confirmed wallets that are on the BlancoList.
The full list for BlancoList Mint is here.
(we still have a few giveaways and collabs going on, so some more wallets may be added)

What is the BlancoList Mint price?
2 Free Mints guaranteed during the BlancoList window

How many CryptoMonos will be available for the BlancoList Mint?
BlancoList will be in the range of 2-3K wallets, each wallet will be able to mint two CryptoMonos in the hour leading up to the Public Mint.

There will be two CryptoMonos available for each wallet on the BlancoList during that hour, if not claimed then the remaining CryptoMonos will be available for Public Mint.


When is the OG WL Mint?
Monday 1/29/24 at 4pm EST


Who can participate in the OG WL Mint?
s only.
The full list for OG WL Mint is here.


What is the OG WL Mint price?
2 Free Mints guaranteed during OG WL window


How many CryptoMonos will be available for the OG WL Mint?
~520. There will be 2 CryptoMonos available for each OG during the first Mint window, if not claimed then the remaining CryptoMonos will be available for BlancoList Mint.


What are CryptoMonos?
CryptoMonos are 6,900 unique crypto Monos and more coming to the Sei Network.

What is the rarity structure of the collection?
Most CryptoMonos are Monos (aka Apes). There are 19 different colored Furs.
The non-Monos are more rare.

What is the rarest type of CryptoMonos?
Aliens are the most rare. Moose are also quite rare.
There are rare traits as well, including crowns, hoodies, and more.

Where does the name CryptoMonos come from?
A mashup of Punks and Apes in crisp pixels.
Our logo is inspired by the iconic CryptoPunks logo and “Mono” is ape in Spanish.

Where did CryptoMonos first appear?
CryptoMonos first appeared on Twitter on January 8, 2024.


What is the image resolution of each CryptoMono?
Each image is a 2167 x 2167 pixel PNG.


Are there additional 1/1’s in the collection?
Yes. Instead of creating an additional honoraries collection, we took a different approach.

The 1/1s are included in the final collection and were created based off the likeness of individuals who inspired our team to create something great.

How many CryptoMonos are reserved for the CryptoMonos team?
(including developers and mint partners)

Zero will technically be reserved.
We will attempt to mint around 100 for giveaways and partnerships during the Public mint.

This is so that every OG and BlancoList wallet gets the opportunity to mint a rare before we Mint as a team. If we mint any 1/1s during our attempts, we will hold a giveaway for it Post Mint.


What is the royalty %?


What is the official CryptoMonos website?


What is the official CryptoMonos Twitter?


Is there a discord?


Are there other social media accounts besides the verified CryptoMonos Twitter account?

We do have an X account that was unfortunately suspended when we launched the project (for no given reason). @cryptomonosnfts. But it is unusable and inactive.


Who is the artist behind CryptoMonos?
@oWylee_ | the Creator

Who is the dev team building the contract and running the minting process?
Volcano Labs
We will be using our custom Lighthouse launchpad.

Who receives CryptoMonos mint funds?
The artist and team will receive a portion of funds from the public mint for their role in helping to launch the project.

Most of the funds will be used to expand the team, host giveaways, increase brand awareness, and to continue development on our NFT client services portal.
This will be one of our focal points to generate revenue and reward our community with exclusive opportunities in the Sei ecosystem.
You can learn more about our team and the Creator here:

mono e mono





