
In the fascinating expanse of crypto, where meme coins and NFTs are plenty, the mighty Bored Apes and CryptoPunks reigned supreme. Perched on their digital thrones, these titans of the NFT world gazed down upon the vast expanse of rugs and failures, their influence unchallenged, their power and elite status echoes through the timeline on X.

But in the underbelly of this digital dominion, a revolution was simmering. In a dimly lit basement, a motley crew of visionaries — artists, coders, meme-lords — united under a clandestine banner: CryptoMonos. These rebels, aware of the colossal giants they faced, cleverly absorbed their creations with parallels of the Punks and Apes. A subtle nod to the digital aristocracy, yet brimming with unique flair, the CryptoMonos were a paradox — both a tribute and a challenge to the status quo.

Mono, the Spanish word for ape, is the quintessential character in the CryptoMonos NFT collection, embodies both the diversity and the creative spirit of the series. These digital apes serve as the primary building blocks of the collection, similar to the pivotal role of apes or humans in other renowned NFT projects. Monos are distinguished by their vast range of over 140+ traits, making each one uniquely identifiable. This diversity encompasses various elements such as Fur, Facial Hair, Hats, Glasses, and more, ensuring a rich tapestry of individuality.

Skelly, the skeletal wonder, he’s a symbol of resilience, having risen from the ashes of forgotten code.

Frogs, with their vibrant, pepe style art, embodied the uninhibited creativity that the Apes often flaunted.

Sloths, adorned with laid-back attire and a perpetual smirk, are the epitome of the Monos’ mantra — “mono e mono” — each one a unique individual yet part of a greater collective.

Lemurs, with their mischievous grins and expressive tails, brought a playful chaos reminiscent of the wildest BAYC parties.

Moose, towering yet gentle, sported sophisticated attire, a nod to the elegant absurdity of the digital elite.

And of course, the Aliens, with their shimmering skin and enigmatic eyes, whispered tales of distant worlds, a reminder of the vastness of the NFT universe.

Together, CryptoMonos stands not just as a collection, but as a beacon of unity and creativity. Our motto, “mono e mono,” is not just a catchphrase; it is a promise of solidarity, a vow that in the world of CryptoMonos, no one stands alone.

As the ETH giants looked on, bemused yet intrigued, the CryptoMonos will rise. We are the underdogs, the dark horses of the NFT race, ready to turn the digital world on its head.

So, to those weary of the same old pixels and tired tales, the CryptoMonos extend an invitation: Join a revolution not just in art, but in spirit. Be a part of a world where every pixel tells a story, and every story is a step towards a future where creativity knows no bounds. Join the CryptoMonos, and be a part of a digital uprising that will echo through the feeds of the NFT world, forever changing its landscape, one Mono at a time.


In the heart of the vibrant planet Sei, where futuristic landscapes merge with the untamed wilds, stands a leader among leaders, known simply as “Him.” His sleek, streamlined form, akin to a humanoid with a slick black mohawk and a pair of bullet proof sunglasses, exudes a sense of unbreakable determination and unwavering resolve. He is the epitome of both strength and wisdom, a beacon for his troop, the CryptoMonos.

Him’s story is one of audacity and vision. Once a member of a scattered community of Monos, each living for their own ends, Him saw a future where unity and cooperation could elevate them all. He dreamed of blazing a new path on Sei, a path that would lead his people to greatness they had never known.

With his commanding presence and a voice that resonated with the hopes of his fellow Monos, Him united them under a single cause. He promised a journey to new horizons, a quest for a better life where every Mono, regardless of their past, would have a place. He became the leader not by force, but by embodying the aspirations of his people.

Under his guidance, the troop ventured into the unknown, facing challenges that would have shattered the will of any ordinary being. But Him, with his indomitable spirit, led them through. He believed in the ethos of “mono e mono,” a principle that no one should be left behind, no matter the cost.

This belief became the cornerstone of their journey. When a Mono faltered, Him was there to lift them. When danger loomed, he was the shield that protected them. His leadership was not just about leading the way but also ensuring that each step taken was a step together.

As they traveled across Sei, their story became one of legend. Other beings watched in awe as this troop of Monos, led by the unyielding Him, carved a path of hope through the impossible. His leadership wasn’t just a journey across landscapes, it was a journey that transformed the very soul of his people.

Him, stands not just as a leader, but as a symbol of unity, courage, and the relentless pursuit of a dream. His story is a testament to what can be achieved when one leads not just with the mind, but with the heart.

mono e mono
